After School Program
– for girls ages 8-14
In our after school building workshops, girls are taught how to safely use power tools, including cordless sanders and screw guns. The girls will be learning and practicing building skills in a safe and supportive environment.
Using the Socratic method, we encourage girls to use problem-solving, critical thinking, and team-building skills in the workshop, with the end result of higher self-esteem and more confidence.
When girls recognize what they are capable of, they take pride in their achievements, and their sense of self grows exponentially.
We teach girls how to “embrace the struggle” and to support each other in the process. We wholeheartedly believe, having seen this happen with tens of thousands of girls, that the struggle is the catalyst for empowerment.
We hold four 7-week long sessions each school year.
Snacks are provided upon arrival and at the end of class.
Each week, girls are sent home with a bag of groceries for their families.
Girls involved in our program may also be eligible to receive clothing, shoes, toiletries and school supplies.
95% of girls receive partial or full scholarships to attend.
If you have any questions, please contact Caitlin at or by calling (603) 345-0392.
Fall 2024 Registrations
We’re excited for the opportunity to empower your daughter or granddaughter through building! Priority registration for this program goes to girls who register through the 21st Century Program in their Manchester Public School. If you prefer, you may fill out a registration form for an “Open Enrollment” class using the buttons below, based your preference for which day of the week you’d like your child to attend.
For the safety of the girls (and their families) who attend our program, we will no longer be providing session information on our website. Thank you for your understanding on this matter.
After School Program Dates
1st Session - Fall 2024
September 16
September 23
September 30
October 7
October 21
October 28
November 4
September 17
September 24
October 1
October 8
October 15
October 22
October 29
September 18
September 25
October 2
October 9
October 16
October 23
October 30
September 19
September 26
October 3
October 10
October 17
October 24
October 31
2nd Session - Late Fall/Winter 2024-2025
November 18
November 25
December 2
December 9
December 16
January 6
January 13
November 19
November 26
December 3
December 10
December 17
January 7
January 14
November 20
December 4
December 11
December 18
January 8
January 15
January 22
November 21
December 5
December 12
December 19
January 2
January 9
January 16
3rd Session - Winter/Spring 2025
no Monday class
February 4
February 11
February 18
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
February 5
February 12
February 19
March 5
March 12
March 19
March 26
February 6
February 13
February 20
March 6
March 13
March 20
March 27
4th Session - Spring 2025
April 7
April 14
April 21
May 5
May 12
May 19
June 2
April 8
April 15
April 22
May 6
May 13
May 20
May 27
April 9
April 16
April 23
May 7
May 14
May 21
May 28
April 10
April 17
April 24
May 8
May 15
May 22
May 29