Team Builds

Business leaders– empower your staff through our customized team build experience!

Gather your team of 24-100 adults for a three-hour block of time

Your team will walk away:

  • Bonded from the experience
  • Empowered as individuals and as a group
  • Connected more so after going through the challenges together
  • Leaning on one another to achieve a common goal

…All while building beautiful picnic tables to donate to the community


Girls at Work, Inc. Team Builds provide a unique opportunity to use critical thinking skills and effective communication, all while learning to build with power tools. The process of strengthening relationships by participating in this fun, yet challenging, activity results in deep bonding among leaders, managers, and employees, which will create long-lasting, positive effects in your workplace.

Your Team Build will also subsidize Team Building for our local educators!

Sign-up for workplace empowerment today!


Our Team Builds are scheduled in three-hour blocks, offered Monday – Thursday mornings. We encourage businesses to provide lunch once the build is completed so employees can enjoy a meal together, further strengthening the bonds that were created during the building process.


The Girls at Work, Inc. facility is located at 200 Bedford Street, Manchester, NH 03101. Onsite builds at your business location are negotiable.

Group size:

Groups are limited to a minimum of 24 and maximum of 100 participants. Participants are divided into teams of 5-6 people, each team working on their own table. Teams are mixed up regularly in order to create bonding throughout the entire group.

Participant Requirements:

Participants must wear closed-toed shoes and comfortable clothes that they don’t mind getting covered in sawdust. If you are sensitive to dust, please wear a mask. If you are sensitive to loud noises, please bring earplugs or headphones.


Girls at Work, Inc. will provide safety glasses, proper tool handling instructions, bundles of pre-cut lumber, and all necessary tools in order to build beautiful and durable picnic tables. These tables can be donated to area nonprofits or used by your team. We ask that you let us know before the build what you decide to do with the tables, as we will promote table donations through our social media channels if needed.

What to Expect at a Girls at Work Team Build:

Girls at Work, Inc. utilizes the Socratic method for team builds, meaning there will be minimal instruction. This creates an environment with an abundance of challenges that can only be overcome with communication and teamwork. It’s empowering to see individuals and teams encourage each other through struggles, apprehension, and frustration. Data suggests that working in an unfamiliar environment to achieve a common goal creates solid bonds and we’ve witnessed it with every group we have ever built with!

Price: $200 per person

Learning to use power tools to build + overcoming challenges as a team + giving back to the community by donating the picnic tables to area nonprofits = a huge win for everyone.

Put on your comfy jeans and work boots and join us. 

“I loved this experience! Elaine was amazing with the group. I am a leadership coach and I was working with an all women team from a male dominated industry. We were exploring the concept of confidence…where does it come from and how do we get more of it. The group was THRILLED with the experience. Not only did we have an incredible learning from the experience around struggle and how overcoming struggle (as long as it’s not impossible struggle) builds confidence they also got to know each other so much better and they had a blast. They were so proud of themselves for creating beautiful picnic tables…they were blown away actually. I couldn’t recommend this experience more!”

Danielle Giannone
